On legal flow charts…
On legal flow charts… is a post I wrote up over on my drawing blog. I made these both a while back, but I’m thinking of how to…
On legal flow charts… is a post I wrote up over on my drawing blog. I made these both a while back, but I’m thinking of how to…
Blake Masters: Pass the CA Bar Exam in 100 Hours blakemasters: I passed the July 2012 California Bar Exam by studying for 100 hours—no more than 5 hours…
Turkey – Google Soap Opera: Taxes + Freedom of Expression When the strained relationship between Google + the Turkish government has been discussed in the Western press, most…
Chilling effects of government surveillance on individuals In the wake of reports of NYPD surveillance of Muslim communities along the East Coast, Frank Askin in New Jersey asks…
Nerd Diplomacy: Google’s Foreign Policy In early 2010, when Google had decided to pull out of the China market, there was a brief window of discourse in which…
AP’s Probe Into NYPD Intelligence Operations This is the collection of all the Associated Press’ stories about NYPD’s surveillance of Muslims all along the Eastern Seaboard. They find…
some Intellectual Property Basics, Terry Fisher at ILaw
Where all the Trackers Know Your Name Jonathan Mayer, at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford University, explains how online trackers get sent personally identifiable information…
Swedish Development Agency: Internet & Democratic Change The conference will happen on October 26, 2011 — and will be broadcast over the Internet. The topic is net activism,…