The Rise of Legal Design

Come read the MIT journal Design Issues’ special edition on “The Rise of Legal Design”.
I co-edited this volume, which features a number of studies and essays profiling the design of new government systems, privacy communications, legal aid initiatives, and participatory governance processes.
It features articles like:
Legal Design as a Thing: A Theory of Change and a Set of Methods to Craft a Human-Centered Legal System” by Margaret Hagan
The Rapid Embrace of Legal Design and the Use of Co-Design to Avoid Enshrining Systemic Bias by Dan Jackson, Miso Kim, and Jules Rochielle Sievert
Airlines, Mayonnaise, and Justice: Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Legal Design and Technology by Gordon Ross
The Escambia Project: An Experiment in Community-Led Legal Design by Melissa A. Moss
My Legal Design Projects

Legal Design edited volume

Explore this volume on how to integrate business, design, and legal thinking with technology. It includes my piece “Prototyping for Policy.”
I co-edited this new book out with my colleagues Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci, Helena Haapio, and Michael Doherty.
It features pieces like:
- “A new attitude to law’s empire: the potentialities of legal design” by our team of editors
- “Prototyping for Policy” by me, Margaret Hagan
- “The relationship between legal and design cultures” by Michael Doherty
- “Legal design for the common good: proactive legal care by design” by Helena Haapio, Thomas Barton, and Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci
My Latest Posts

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Beagle+ AI legal help chatbot
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10 Guidelines for legal help information
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University’s role as innovation incubator in public interest tech
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Speculative Legal Design to think big about system reform
At this year’s Legal Design Roundtable in Brussels, many legal designers presented on what methods they are using for legal reform….

System Shocks & A2J Policy
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Making complicated court & efiling tech clear
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Research-Practitioner Loop in Access to Justice work
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Institutional Mindset for people in court
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Contracts can be user-friendly, but they’re often designed not to be
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Administrative Burden book on measuring citizen’s experience of government
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What can legal learn from medical when it comes to ethical AI?
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Does virtual court mean more or less meaningful participation by litigants?
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Benny, the legal aid unemployment benefits chatbot
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The Access to Justice Pathway: from naming to claiming to action
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Must Read: Reimagining Courts, a design for the 21st century
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Design rules for accessible civic websites
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How do we make a good taxonomy of legal problems?
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The future of legal business models and regulation
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Should we regulate public data like a community swimming pool?
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Design work for government systems change
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How can legal design work be evaluated?
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Data privacy, human rights, and social services #digitalcitizens
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Exploding the Fine Print: designing better computable contracts.
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Visual self help guides for legal rights during pregnancy
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A Beginner’s List of Links for those interested in visuals + law
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This Year’s LSC ITCon in Pictures + Drawings
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Taking stock of our current state of legal help digital tools
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A big vision of what legal design can do #ldsign18
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Designing a bot to proactively connect Redditors with legal help #LDsign18
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Legal design becomes a tribe, for a creative legal society — with some dangers #ldsign18
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Legal Design coming into its own #LDsign18
Today is the Legal Design as Academic Discipline workshop at Jurix. The big questions are on the table about what this…

Policy facilitation as a new profession #xbd2018
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Can Policy Design Labs get from novelty to impact? #xbd2018
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Regulators in the age of emerging tech #xbd2018
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Experimenting with digital public services, in health #xbd2018
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Experimentation By Design, for agile governance #xbd2018
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What Law can learn from Digital Epidemiology
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Steps toward a coherent Access to Justice movement
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Where is the Plan for Access to Justice?
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The Difficulty of Bringing Design into Courts + Tribunals
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Leadership in disruption/law
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How can you visualize your statistical data?
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