On a recent conference call, someone pointed out a new bot from the CARPLS legal aid group in Illinois: Benny, a conversational bot that can help a person with their unemployment public benefits situation.

From CARPLS, here’s a quick description of the chatbot Benny:
Meet Benny an unemployment benefits bot. Benny is free and confidential, and can help make the unemployment benefits process a little easier.
If you are in Illinois and unemployed, Benny is designed to help you along the road to getting Illinois unemployment benefits. Benny is a project of CARPLS Legal Aid, a nonprofit legal aid organization in Illinois. CARPLS has been helping everyday people with their legal problems for over 25 years.
By answering a few questions, Benny can:
Help get you on the right path to applying for unemployment benefits;
Help identify why you might be having problems getting the benefits you need;
Help you navigate the unemployment hearing and appeals process.
As unemployment benefits are a government benefit, sometimes all the rules and regulations can trip you up. If your situation is more complicated, Benny can link you to talk with a free legal aid attorney for a confidential legal consultation, or direct you to other legal aid resources available online to educate you further.