One case — Muslim Community Ass’n of Ann Arbor v. Ashcroft — brought this issue to US federal courts in 2003. Muslim and Arab organizations in Michigan sued…
In July 2007, researcher Dawinder S. Sidhu commissioned the University of Oklahoma’s Public Opinion Learning Laboratory (UOPOLL) to conduct a survey that investigated “if and to what extent…
In response to the NYPD’s massive surveillance campaign against Muslims on the East Coast, a wonderful Tumblr with people voluntarily mapping & surveilling themselves. A project from CUNY’s…
This answer is never going to be totally clearcut (hello, Law!), but there is one important test you have to pass, in order to sue the government for…
Chilling effects of government surveillance on individuals In the wake of reports of NYPD surveillance of Muslim communities along the East Coast, Frank Askin in New Jersey asks…
Nerd Diplomacy: Google’s Foreign Policy In early 2010, when Google had decided to pull out of the China market, there was a brief window of discourse in which…
AP’s Probe Into NYPD Intelligence Operations This is the collection of all the Associated Press’ stories about NYPD’s surveillance of Muslims all along the Eastern Seaboard. They find…
I am fumbling around, trying to figure out the Internet in Turkey. It has quite the reputation, having blocked YouTube on-and-off for several years, along with WordPress, Blogger,…
A 2 page comic on Drones + Privacy.
Ethan Zuckerman writes that one way to better protect human rights’ activists content online is by making sure their content is on the same platform/site as the Cute…
What countries in the world are best at providing your online data from governments and from companies? I’m trying to find an excellent map showing where the best…
How cookies work online, from visual.ly
A study from Aleecia McDonald and Lorrie Cranor, from Carnegie Mellon, explaining how people can easily get confused about who is tracking them online, what information is…
Where all the Trackers Know Your Name Jonathan Mayer, at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford University, explains how online trackers get sent personally identifiable information…
Mitchell Baker of Mozilla speaks at the Access conference, 10/26/2011 in SF, on Silicon Valley and Human Rights