Politicians vs. The Internet Post author By Margaret Post categories In Tech, Democracy & Human RIghts Another talking head, this time on politicians vs. engineers, re: control of the Internet, drawn at Stanford Law School. Post date 09/05/2012 Tags control of the internet, gigi sohn, internet law, Politicians vs the Internet, Stanford Law School Post navigation ←Previous post:Has government surveillance chilled Muslims online?→Next post:Possible Refugee Camp Redesign
How can you visualize your statistical data? Here are my drawn notes about the most effective ways to communicate quantitative data, for others to understand – and for focus on the most meaningful points. Post date 08/16/2018
New Generation of Tech for Access to Justice A great article from Slate on Tech being used for Legal Aid & Access to Justice, with lots of specific examples of how SMS and other basic tech… Post date 12/19/2012