Hi.I love your work. I am a new attorney and am trying to figuire my way around the court. I was wondering if you can help me with a flow chart for ohio criminal procedure. I am specifically wondering when rule 5(b) fits in.
Hi — If you have any relevant materials, just send them on. Email: margaret (at) margarethagan (dot) com We can talk more!
THanks! Margaret
These are the most beautiful flow charts I’ve ever seen. Thank you and Congratulations, nice job.
Stanford students & beyond are invited to come by Stanford’s d.school, to talk about projects in legal tech & design that they’re working on (or considering) — or…
Here’s a short, unnarrated overview of legal tech tools from Legal Services NTAP that lawyers & others could use to organize their projects, do better research, work on…
Hi.I love your work. I am a new attorney and am trying to figuire my way around the court. I was wondering if you can help me with a flow chart for ohio criminal procedure. I am specifically wondering when rule 5(b) fits in.
Hi — If you have any relevant materials, just send them on. Email: margaret (at) margarethagan (dot) com We can talk more!
THanks! Margaret
These are the most beautiful flow charts I’ve ever seen. Thank you and Congratulations, nice job.