How do we get law out into immigrant communities? Post author By Margaret Post categories In Access to Justice, Concepts & Ideas, Project Subject, Project Type We need to think from immigrants’ points of view — where they are now, what tech they use, who they trust. Post date 05/03/2015 Post navigation ←Previous post:How could the legal profession cultivate innovators? #abafutures→Next post:Why is getting help for legal problems such a labyrinth? #abafutures
Visual self help guides for legal rights during pregnancy Here is a great example of visual self help. It comes from the legal aid group, Legal Aid at Work, here in San Francisco. They went through an… Post date 04/19/2019
Speculative Legal Design to think big about system reform At this year’s Legal Design Roundtable in Brussels, many legal designers presented on what methods they are using for legal reform. One main theme was around Speculative Design,… Post date 02/18/2023