What would design-driven policy-making look like? Post author By Margaret Post categories In Concepts & Ideas, Legal Professionals redesigned, Project Subject, Project Type Some thoughts on a powerpoint from GWU Law Professor Susan Dudley. Post date 05/28/2015 Tags Design Driven Policy-making, Susan Dudley Post navigation ←Previous post:Legal navigator concept sketches→Next post:Creating more “lnnovability” among Law schools
The User Journey Map for Lawyers One of my current projects is assembling together a Legal Design toolbox for legal professionals to integrate design into their practice. A cluster of these tools are those… Post date 10/12/2013
Does “The Innovator’s Dilemma” Apply to the Legal Industry? Ron Dolin, discussing his recent paper on Clayton Christensen’s “The Innovator’s Dilemma” and how it may or may not apply to the legal industry. Post date 05/19/2015