Tag: design process

Design Process note on Prototyping to THink by Margaret Hagan

Prototype to Think

A sketchnote about one of the fundamental parts of the design process: Prototyping to Think. The quicker we start to build, sketch, act out, and otherwise make our…

Design Team shrink

My quick sketchnote from a team session witj Stanford d.school’s resident therapist, the d.shrink. How to make sure a team works in sync, to maximum potential? How to…

One Design Process

Here is one recent example of a Design Process model. It’s ostensibly for ‘Information Design’ — but could be for ‘Document Design’ writ more broadly. Like other Design…

Design Frameworks

I have been doing some readings to try to put together some frameworks that would teach non-designers what ‘design’ actually is. I came across the book How Designers…